Metrics for Multilabel Classification
Most of the supervised learning algorithms focus on either binary classification or multi-class classification. But sometimes, we will have dataset where we will have multi-labels for each observations. In this...
A Step by Step Backpropagation Example for Regression using an One-hot Encoded Categorical Variable by hand and in Tensorflow
Backpropagation is a common method for training a neural network. It is nothing but a chain of rule. There is a lot of tutorials online, that attempt to explain how...
Basic Methods to Handle Missing Data
In some cases, the data comes in the form of a dataset with features already defined. In some cases, values of some features can be missing. That often happens when...
Mac-Os Catalina Update — ZSH instead of Bash ('Command not found' issue for Jupyter)
After the recent update of MacOS, which is named Catalina, the terminal asks you to switch from bash to zsh by running a command. ZSH is great and has many...
Gaussian Mixture Models in theoretical details
NOTE: This blog post consists of images. It might take a while to load in your browser! import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib...